Who we are
We are two friends living in Patras, Peloponnese, southern Greece. Our common passion is nature- reptiles and amphibians in particular. We love to search, find, study and photograph these animals in their habitat. Few things can beat the joy of being out there in a lovely spring day or making a new discovery of any kind. Greece is blessed regarding these taxonomical groups, with many rare and endemic species and a lovely weather that allows herping most of the year. We decided to make this blog so we can share moments in nature, share our passion for reptiles and amphibians and propagate the knowledge about them.
Philippos Katsiyiannis works as a high school teacher in Patras. His website www.greeknature.com is devoted to the wildlife and wild places of Greece, combining photography, travels and searching to uncover the secret beauty of all things natural. In latest years his interests have shifted mainly to reptiles and amphibians. He has written and photographed 4 books. 'Strophylia' with co-photographer Lambros Logothetis, 'Dadia forest', 'Stymphalia' with co-photographer Andrea Bonetti and 'Nature 365' with co-photographer Andrea Bonetti.
Philippos Katsiyiannis e-mail: greeknature@gmail.com
Elias Tzoras is a field naturalist and amateur herp photographer based on the Peloponnese Peninsula with main focus on amphibians and reptiles of Greece. His journey on these creatures started in 2010 as a volunteer on the conservation project of the endangered Chamaeleo africanus in southern Peloponnese, and since then he practices non-stop herping all around. He loves to travel mainly in Peloponnese and isolated islets to discover new sites and their herpetofauna. He guides herping/photographing tours in his area and for the last 5 years he is a field leader for the conservation of Caretta caretta in the National Park of Kotychi-Strofylia Wetlands in Peloponnese. Elias is passionate about chameleons, colubrids and spade-foot toads!
Elias Tzoras e-mail: eliastzoras@outlook.com