It was a plan that was never easy to turn to reality. We are all friends from Patras, southern Greece, and wanted to go herping to the Evros area, which is the more distant part of Greece, at the far north. But all the reptiles and amphibians in the area were so luring, we kept dreaming of this expedition for many a Spring. and then came the pandemic and all plans were postponed. So in Spring 2022, everything came together and we managed to make this journey. Myself started a little earlier to the Pindos mountains, for some camera trapping, and then went to join the others in Thrace.

I had very little time for herping at Pindos, but at the slightest opportunity, the local lizards came out to bask.

Next thing I remember, we met with the guys from Patras near Ismarida lake, a bird and reptile heaven. We decided to meet at Ismarida to search for some species and at the same time to break the long journey to Evros. We met at dusk, after a day-long journey, but when at the spot, we started herping at once. After all, the marsh was already alive with sound.

Next morning the species list went up. Before we started to Evros, we found some more beauties.

After that, we joined very good friends Dimitris Kokkinidis and Maria Kadroudi near Komotini, still closer to Evros. We visited together a very special spot, were we found three Ottoman Vipers and two Large Whip Snakes, all basking together.

After all this exhilaration off to Evros we drove! Our first day on the trip was already full of species. We found a perfect place to camp near Alexandroupolis where we would spend all our days searching around. And we started with a good meal. Alexis and Elias were the cooks.

Next morning we started with new vigour. The place of the camp was very special, with hoopoes, woodpeckers and nightingales all singing and drumming. In this heaven of wildlife, we started turning over rocks. For the next five days, we drove a lot, searched a lot and found many things. The following photos are a collection of these moments and species we found, with no detailed description of the places and the days.

One of my favourite trips of my life! 🐍